Decoflame -takat
Decoflame on tanskalainen laadukkaiden tulisijojen valmistaja. Jos etsit laadukasta etanolitakkaa tai hybriditakkaa, Decoflame on erinomainen valinta. He valmistavat biotakkoja ja hybriditakkoja omalla tuotantolaitoksellaan Pohjois-Jyllannissa Tanskassa. Kaikki suunnitellaan ja valmistetaan itse, joten voit olla varma, että laatu on ehdotonta huippua.
Keitä he ovat?
Decoflame on tunnettu tanskalaisittain suunniteltujen bioetanolitakkojen valmistuksesta, jotka sopivat täydellisesti mihin tahansa sisustukseen. Decoflamen biotakoilla voit nauttia kauniista liekeistä ja lämmöstä kodissasi ilman savupiippua. Bioetanoli, joka on biotakan polttoaine, on kestävä ja ympäristöystävällinen ratkaisu, sillä se valmistetaan orgaanisesta tähteestä, eikä se aiheuta haitallisia päästöjä.
Decoflame-bioetanolitakasta on tullut design-ikoni, joka on saanut maailmanlaajuista tunnustusta ainutlaatuisesta skandinaavisesta tyylistään ja laadustaan. Voit valita eri kokoja, värejä ja materiaaleja, jotta löydät juuri sinun kotiisi sopivan biotakan. Voit myös valita erilaisista lisävarusteista, kuten lasista ja kynttilöistä, joilla voit tehdä biotakastasi entistäkin kiehtovamman ja viihtyisämmän.
Lyhyesti sanottuna Decoflame-biotakka on täydellinen lisä kodikkaaseen ja tyylikkääseen sisustukseen. Sen tyylikkään ja modernin muotoilun ansiosta voit luoda kodikkaan ja lämpimän tunnelman kodin mihin tahansa huoneeseen. Sen kestävän polttoaineen ansiosta autat myös ympäristöä. Jos siis haaveilet takasta kodissasi, mutta sinulla ei ole varaa asentaa perinteistä takkaa, Decoflamen biotakka on täydellinen ratkaisu.
Mitä etuja Decoflame-biotakoilla on?
Decoflamen bioetanolitakka on suosittu valinta, kun kodin kodikkuutta ja lämpöä halutaan luoda. Mutta mitkä ovat Decoflamen etanolitakan edut?
Ensinnäkin Decoflamen biopolttoainetakat on suunniteltu ja valmistettu tanskalaisittain. Tämä tarkoittaa, että voit odottaa Decoflamen biotakassasi olevan korkeaa laatua, hyvää kestävyyttä ja kaunista muotoilua. Lisäksi Decoflamen biotakat ovat myös ympäristöystävällisiä, sillä ne käyttävät polttoaineena bioetanolia. Bioetanoli valmistetaan orgaanisesta tähteestä, ja se on CO2-neutraali polttoaine, mikä tekee Decoflamen biotakoista kestävän vaihtoehdon perinteisille tulisijoille.
Decoflame-biotakan etuna on myös se, että se ei vaadi savupiippua tai ilmanvaihtoa. Tämä tarkoittaa, että voit sijoittaa biotakan mihin tahansa kotiisi, eikä sinun tarvitse asentaa savupiippua tai huolehtia ilmanvaihdosta. Decoflame-biotakat ovat myös helppoja asentaa, ja niiden sähkömallien käyttö vaatii vain pistokkeen.
Lisäksi Decoflame-biotakka on myös helppo huoltaa. Polttoaineena käytettävä bioetanoli ei tuota savua tai tuhkaa, joten savupiipun puhdistusta tai huoltoa ei tarvita. Täytä vain bioetanolia, sytytä takka ja nauti kodikkaasta lämmöstä.
Are Decoflame bio fires safe to use?
Yes, Decoflame bio fires are safe to use. Decoflame bio fuel fireplaces use bioethanol as fuel, which is a clean and green source of energy. This means that Decoflame bio fireplaces do not require a chimney or ventilation, as they do not emit smoke or harmful particles into the air.
Decoflame ethanol fires are also designed with safety in mind. All bio fireplaces are equipped with safety glass as well. Decoflame also has an integrated safety sensor that ensures that the flame is automatically extinguished if the bioethanol tank is running low or gets too hot.
However, it is always important to follow the user manual and safety instructions carefully to ensure that Decoflame biofuel fireplaces are used correctly and safely. With proper use and care, Decoflame bio ethanol fires are a safe and elegant addition to any interior.
Decoflame is one of the industry leaders and helps to ensure that all regulations are adhered to. The company also participates in organisations around legislation and the development of the industry in general.
What colours are available?
The Decoflame bio fireplace is a stylish and modern addition to any Danish interior. When it comes to colours, you can choose from a variety of options depending on what suits your home best. They have a range of standard colours such as black, white, grey, polished or brushed steel, brass, and copper.
The most popular colours for the Decoflame biofuel fireplace are black and white. These colours fit in well with most interiors and give a stylish and modern look. If you're looking for a bolder colour, there's also the option to choose from red, blue, and green or any RAL colour. These colours can be a great way to add a touch of personality to your home.
It is important to note that the standard colours of the Decoflame bio ethanol fires may vary slightly depending on the type. The manufacturer's built-in fireplaces in particular are made in exclusive colours or materials if you like, such as copper, brass or similar. There are many options. That's why we always recommend visiting our showroom and seeing the bio fireplaces in person before making your choice.
Whatever colour you choose, the Decoflame bio fireplace will certainly become a central element in your home, adding an exclusive and cosy atmosphere to your home.
Decoflame bio fireplaces are not only a functional and eco friendly choice, but also an elegant and modern addition to any decor. Choose from the different colours and sizes and find the bio fireplace that fits your home perfectly. Don't forget to ask us for advice - contact us now by phone on 01224011575, through our live chat, or by email.
Is a Decoflame ethanol fireplace engery efficient?
Yes, the Decoflame bio fuel fireplaces are energy efficient as it uses bioethanol as fuel. Bioethanol is a sustainable and clean energy source that emits no smoke or odour and burns cleanly and efficiently. In addition, the Decoflame bio fireplace is designed to maximise heat and minimise heat loss, making it an environmentally friendly solution for heating your home or workplace. However, bioethanol as a fuel is still on the higher end in terms of price when compared to alternative heat sources.
In addition to being able to be used as a heat source, Decoflame is a Danish manufacturer of ethanol fires, which, as written earlier, is well known for its innovative design and high quality. Their products are designed to be both aesthetically pleasing and functional, and they are ideal for both private use, but in particular also in professional environments such as hotels, restaurants and offices.
Decoflame bio ethanol fires are easy to install and use, and they do not require a chimney or flue, which also speaks in favour of their fireplaces and bio fireplaces in general.
Why are Decoflame fireplaces so popular?
Decoflame bio fireplaces have become a hit in Danish design and interior design, and there are several reasons for their popularity. They can be found in all the world's fashion magazines, with the trendy interior designers and are almost always built into the show houses of the various type house providers.
Firstly, bioethanol is an eco friendly and sustainable fuel source that is CO2 neutral and does not emit harmful particles. This makes Decoflame bio fuel fireplaces a great choice for those who want to take a step towards a more sustainable lifestyle.
In addition, Decoflame bio ethanol fires are designed to fit into any interior. They are available in different sizes and shapes, and their sleek and modern design suits both contemporary and classic interiors. Their versatility and adaptability make them ideal for any decor. If you have a specific request for a particular fireplace, Decoflame can almost always fulfil your requirements.
Finally, Decoflame are easy to install and maintain. They do not require any kind of chimney, smoke or odour and their simple design makes them easy to clean and care for.
In short, Decoflame ethanol fires are popular because of their high quality, professionalism and, not least, design versatility. For the same reason, Decoflame is often the preferred choice of many interior design consultants, architects and large commercial companies. Visit our showroom or contact us today for more information about our bio fires and find the perfect solution for your home or workplace.
Get a bespoke bioethanol fireplace with Decoflame
We offer bespoke bioethanol fireplaces and hybrid fireplaces through Decoflame - almost exactly the way you want it. Our close co-operation with the manufacturer means that we can offer virtually any fireplace solution to suit your needs.
Contact us today and learn more about how you can realise your fireplace dream.
- Phone: 01224011575
- E-mail:
- Live chat
- Or visit one of our showroom.
Remember that we also show Decoflame fireplaces on a video presentation. Book your online presentation now.
Where to buy Decoflame bio ethanol fires
Decoflame bio fireplaces are available at selected retailers and online stores specialising in interior design and Danish design. You can buy Decoflame fireplaces here:
- Greenwich Business Park, Unit 7, 53 Norman Road, London, SE10 9QF
- Online at
Decoflame offers a wide range of different models and sizes, so you can choose the bioethanol fireplace that best suits your home and interior design. There are also larger budget-heavy fireplaces. That's why it's a good idea to contact us so we can advise you. However, it is also possible to buy Decoflame bio fireplaces directly on our website if you prefer to shop online yourself. Wherever you choose to buy, you can be sure to get a stylish, efficient and eco friendly bio fireplace that will add a cosy touch to your home.